Jan 5, 2010

Nibbling in Taiwan, Tainan

I'm still in Taiwan!!
I have to admit that my vacation time is a little bit too long....
4 weeks in Taiwan....especially I'm spending most of the time in Taipei with my parents..
Surrounded by buildings, cars, and people, I need a short break,
A break during my vacation (so greedy..),
So I traveled to Tainan, a small city in the southwest part of Taiwan.

Since this is mainly a food blog, let me show you some of the "small eats," or street food I had during my short stay there.

Fish noodles (卓家汕頭魚麵)-

The noodles itself are made with fish, yes, fish meat!
Basically they remove the bones, heads, and tails from a particular kind of fish,
Then they grind the meat and add some seasonings, possibly flour too,
After that, they spread the mixture on a smooth surface, cut into thin strips,
There it is, fish noodles!

According to my friend, it tastes like dried squid snacks soaked in soups,
I find that description quite accurate,
The noodles itself were kind of chewy, and really taste like dried squid snacks.

Fried fish stomach (from 阿川土魠魚羹)-

Fried fish eggs (from 阿川土魠魚羹)-

The fish stomach is semi-chewy, the texture is similar to fried calamari, but harder,
The fried crumbs on the outside are very delicious,
I'm guessing some kinds of seasonings were added into the flour they used.

The fish eggs are my favorite,
You can feel tiny little eggs moving between your teeth and tongue while eating it,
Kind of fun!

Soup noodles with stewed minced pork + stewed egg + meat ball (from 度小月)-

The aroma from the pork is unbeatable,
Simple but not dull, you get a layered aroma from the soy sauce, the seasonings, and the pork itself, which completed the flavor of this simple soup noodles.

Anping Bean Jelly (aka bean curd) (from Tong Ji 同記安平豆花)-

This is the traditional bean curd with small tapioca and served with sugar water,
The bean curd itself is full of the flavors from yellow beans,
The place only use organic yellow beans, which I love (I'm an organic freak!).

They also carries bean curb made with black beans, or infused with whole milk,
Too bad my stomach was bloated already from all the small eats....otherwise I'll try them all!

Eateries locations:

Fish noodles (卓家汕頭魚麵)
Number 158, Section 1, Min Shen Road, Tainan, Taiwan

Fried fish stomach and fried fish eggs (阿川土魠魚羹)
Number 109, Section 1, Hai An Road, Tainan, Taiwan

Soup noodles with stewed minced pork + stewed egg + meat ball (度小月)
Multiple locations in Tainan and Taipei

Anping Bean Jelly (Tong Ji 同記安平豆花)
Number 433, An Bei Road, Anping Area, Tainan, Taiwan


  1. all the amazing eats are the reason i want to visit taiwan sometime soon!

  2. To and this blog~
    Have you been to Taiwan? If you ever gonna visit here let me know, I have a list of "where to eat" for Taipei!

  3. Everything sounds fantastic! I've had fish noodles and fish eggs before and both of the ones you had were fat and large :). So much more fish eggs in a bite. Haven't had that in years! Fish noodles on the other hand I had two years ago in HK. Still need to visit Taiwan someday :).

  4. To Eat Travel Eat~
    Fish noodles in HK~~Mmm I wanna give that a try too!

  5. Hi Cindy,
    I wanted to know if I could use your picture from your melon meat balls. i have asimilar recipe and when I took pictures they didn't come out well because the lighting was off. Please let me know if this is ok with you and I will of course credit the photo to you.
    Much Thanks,

  6. To Yona~
    Hello, thanks for asking.
    You can use the mellon meat ball picture, just remember to give me the credit!

  7. Thanks Cindy. I appreciate your letting me use your photo. If your interested you can check out my blog, yonastable.blogspot.com

  8. Hi Cindy!

    Tainan has great food...i am updating a post i have on this city and have linked to this post as a source of images and good eats. Good blog...i bet you enjoyed tainan as much as we did!


  9. To Federico~
    Yeah I love Tainan,
    Nice place to visit in Taiwan!
    Thanks for the linking!

  10. The AnPing Bean Jelly is really smooth delicious tasty. :)

  11. To Daniel's Food Diary~
    Indeed, after two years that place is still da bomb!
