Oct 2, 2022

Shallow Fried Curry Flavor Enoki Mushrooms

What do you usually get when buying crispy chicken? Here in Taiwan, these fried food stands often carry a long list of ingredients that can be fried to perfection. One of which is enoki mushrooms.

The shallow fried enoki mushrooms I'm going to make here tastes similar to the deep fried version, but without the amount of oil needed. I also incorporated curry powder and dried seaweed flakes for a boost of flavor and uniqueness.

Shallow fried curry flavor enoki mushrooms - 

Shallow fried curry flavor enoki mushrooms


  • 200 grams enoki mushrooms
  • Some rice bran oil
  • Some salt flakes

Coating - 

  • 3 tablespoons corn starch
  • 1 tablespoon dried seaweed flakes
  • 1 teaspoon curry powder


Mix all the ingredients under the "coating" section to a shallow plate.

Curry flavored coating

Trim-off the bottom of the enoki mushrooms. Tear the mushrooms to thin pieces and try not to break apart all the ends that are still attach to one another.

Tear apart enoki mushrooms

Dip both sides of the mushroom slices to the coating mixture. Dust away excess powder and set aside first.

Coated enoki mushrooms

Take a non-stick pan and drizzle some rice bran oil. Use a bit more oil than usual, about 3 tablespoons or at least well-coated the bottom of the pan. Turn to medium heat and wait till the oil turns warm.

Add in mushroom pieces one by one. Sear till the bottom turns golden then flip to continue searing the other side. 

Meanwhile, prepare a bowl or a plate lined with kitchen towel. Once the mushrooms are ready, transfer to the bowl or plate so the kitchen towel can help absorbing excess oil.

Shallow fried curry flavor enoki mushrooms

Sprinkle some salt flakes over the mushroom pieces while they're still hot. You can do that while the mushrooms are draining away the oil at the same time. Transfer the mushrooms to final serving plate when ready.

Shallow fried curry flavor enoki mushrooms

If the non-stick pan is not big enough, it's better to shallow fry the mushrooms in two or three batches, don't over-crowding them all at once, otherwise they might stick together and form a big fried piece instead. 

This dish must consume right away, enjoy the mushrooms while still crunchy and crispy. It works especially well with icy cold soda or perhaps couple beers on hand (don't drink and drive). 

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