Apr 12, 2024

Simplified Mizutaki Using Kombu Dashi 水炊き

Mizutaki 水炊き is a type of Japanese hot pot with chicken as its main ingredients. The stock base varies, I would say using chicken stock results in a thick and umami-burst outcome. But there's also a lighter version using kombu, a type of dried kelp for the soup base. 

As far as this recipe goes, let's try the simple-tasting route but glorified with aromatic Japanese ponzu for the dipping sauce.

Simplified mizutaki using kombu dashi 水炊き -  

Simplified mizutaki using kombo dashi


  • 1 big piece boneless chicken leg
  • 10 oyster mushrooms
  • 6 shiitake mushrooms
  • 250 grams Chinese cabbage
  • 150 grams mizuna (Japanese mustard greens)
  • 1 big piece/box fried tofu (soft kind)
  • 1/2 daikon radish
  • 1/2 carrot
  • Some steamed rice (optional)


  • 1 medium piece kombu
  • Some room temperature water


  • Some ponzu sauce
  • Some grated daikon
  • Some chives or scallion


Precook the rice if decide to serve this hot pot meal with it. Otherwise you can simply enjoy the hot pot as it is, or even cook some noodles or udon in the end. 

Fill a medium pot with room temperature water and add in kombu. I used a scissor to cut the kombu to square pieces, so it'll fit inside the pot.

Making kombu dashi

Switch to medium heat and let it simmer for 15 minutes. Not boiling, but close to that temperature point. Once ready, turn-off the heat and set aside for later use.

Slice the boneless chicken leg into medium bite size pieces. I also use skin-on chicken, need some of that oil to further "smoothen" the consistency of the stock.

Destem the shiitake mushrooms, perhaps slice-off some parts on the cap to make a pattern, but not necessary though. This is more like a bit appealing to the eye. Separate the oyster mushrooms, tear them into thinner threads for larger ones.

Shiitake hanagiri

Peel and slice the carrot to smaller chunks, do the same for daikon. I would cut these two either thinner or smaller so they can turn chopstick-tender sooner during the cooking process.

Destem the leafy greens and slice to shorter sections. Quickly drench the tofu in hot water to draw out excess oil. Drain out excess liquid and set aside.

Pour the store-bought ponzu sauce to serving bowls. Grate some daikon and add to the sauce. Also finely chop some chives or scallion and add to the sauce. You can even chop up some fresh red chilies for a spicy taste.

Back to the hot pot, arrange the ingredients throughout the pot, then transfer the chicken to the center. Pour in kombu stock till just about reaching the top of the ingredients.

Simplified mizutaki with kombu dashi before cooking

Put on the lid and switch to medium heat. Bring the pot to a light bubbling stage, continue to cook for couple more minutes.

Remove the lid and let it cook for one to two more minutes, or till the chicken has been fully cooked-through then the mizutaki will be ready to serve.

Simplified mizutaki using kombu dashi

If your pot works with an induction cooker, you can even serve the mizutaki right on the spot. The induction cooker can keep the stock hot at all times, and you can only cook the tender leafy greens when needed, just like enjoying a regular shabu shabu.

Simplified mizutaki using kombu dashi

The ponzu sauce works really well with lighter stock version mizutaki. The fruity and citrusy aroma definitely brighten the natural sweetness from all the ingredients.

Simplified mizutaki using kombu dashi

In the case of mizutaki with heavier chicken stock base, I'm not so sure if ponzu will match the flavors that well. I might just keep it simple and enjoy the hot pot itself without extra dipping sauce on the side.  

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