Aug 22, 2024

Sashimi Grade Tuna Otsumami Served with Nori Sheet

So happy to find high quality shio kombu 塩昆布 at the market the other day. What I meant by high quality is that the ingredients are simple and straightforward. So of course I had to grab one for myself, and soon used in this sake-pairing otsumami recipe (don't drink and drive).

Sashimi grade tuna otsumami served with nori sheet - 

Sashimi grade tuna otsumami served with nori sheet


  • 220 grams sashimi grade tuna
  • 2 grams grated wasabi
  • 1 tablespoon shio kombu 塩昆布
  • 1 teaspoon toasted white sesame seeds
  • 1 teaspoon sesame oil
  • Some salt
  • Some nori sheet


Rub the sashimi grade tuna with some salt all over and let it sit in the fridge or in cooler room temperature environment for 10 minutes. You'll see some moisture starts to show, wipe that out, also wipe out excess salt.

Quick seasoning the sashimi grade tuna with salt

Cube the tuna and transfer to a serving bowl.

Also add to the bowl, 2 grams of grated wasabi, 1 tablespoon of shio kombu, 1 teaspoon of toasted white sesame seeds, and 1 teaspoon of sesame oil. 

Making the sashimi grade tuna otsumami

Give it a gentle mix. Taste and adjust with additional shio kombu or sesame oil if needed.

Sashimi grade tuna otsumami

Serve with some nori sheet. I only have big square sized nori sheet used for onigiri at home, so I cut them into smaller rectangular sized pieces instead.

Sashimi grade tuna otsumami served with nori sheet

You can enjoy the sashimi otumami as it is, or take the nori sheet and scoop some tuna mixture over. Either roll it up like a miniature hand roll, or like a vessel to enjoy the fish.

Sashimi grade tuna otsumami served with nori sheet

I personally like the mini hand roll because of its extra fun and cute characters. 

Other otsumami recipes:

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