Mar 14, 2025

Chocolate and Sea Salt Popcorn - Do You Know That the Corn Used for Popcorn Can Actually Germinate?

Do you know? I only recently found out that the corn kernels used for popcorn can actually germinate and grow into corn plant. Before that, I always thought corn kernels packaged for making popcorn is at the end of the journey for these tiny yellow bits. How fun?

However, as for my pack of corn kernels, this indeed might be the end of their journey. Well, perhaps a couple steps further of turning into sweet and savory afternoon snack.

Chocolate and sea salt popcorn - 

Chocolate and sea salt popcorn


  • 1/2 cup popcorn kernels
  • 100 grams 70% dark chocolate
  • 2 small pinches sea salt flakes
  • 3 tablespoons oil (I used avocado oil)


Add 3 tablespoons of oil in a pan or a deep pot, it needs to come with a lid too. Add in 1/2 cup of popcorn kernels and mix a little with the oil.

Popcorn kernels mixed in avocado oil

Don't get skeptical regarding the small amount of popcorn kernels here. They'll start to pop and your big pot might not even be able to hold all of them.

Turn to medium heat and cover with lid. Wait till you start to hear popping noises. Keep waiting and do not remove the lid. However, you can swirl the pot to ensure even popping. Once the popping noise dies down, the popcorn should be ready.

Popped popcorn kernels

Remove the lid. Pour out the popcorn onto a baking sheet. Aim for one single layer for these popcorn.

Prepare a double broiler or something works like a double broiler. Break the chocolate to smaller pieces and melt till velvety. 

Melting chocolate

Drizzle melted chocolate all over the popcorn.

Popcorn drizzled in melted chocolate

Sprinkle with sea salt flakes here and there. Wait till the chocolate has been cooled off then you can break the popcorn to smaller pieces and store in a container.

Chocolate and sea salt popcorn

The 70% dark chocolate used here will give you a not so sweet result popcorn. So if you're looking for that sugary satisfaction, use 50% chocolate or even milk chocolate instead.

Other popcorn recipes:

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